I 42 a six-week internship at a local bank, called Raw bank.At the start of each week, wewere sent to a new department where we were3 about work process and then given anexperienced employee to 44 .During the process, we mostly took notes and were given smalltasks.After two weeks I was 45 to“ permanent”position at the front desk, where I 46 smalldaily operations such as check deposits, withdrawal slips and such.In short, for four weeks I was treated and 47 like a regular employee of the bank.I had tobe there at 7-30 every morning, and 48 to have positive interactions with clients at all times, noe thematter how I was feeling personally.During my internship there, the 49was working the front desk the morning of pay day. Ihad to deal with an endless stream of impatient and demanding 50 , but just seeing my colleaguessupporting each other, and heading out together to socialize after work, made it all 51 .My six weeks there allowed me to 52 , and it also helped me to gain new skills andexperience that I did not 53 have. Most importantly, I gained a new sense of professionalism anda clearer 54 of what it meant lo be in the professional world.So I would advise everyone to take the opportunity and do all internship, 55 it is not____necessarily in the industry that you wish to work in.41.A.promised B.required C.chose D.hesitated42.A.undertook B.offered C.noticed D.launched43.A.assessed B.consulted C.briefed D.recognized44.A.contact B.shadow C.train D.respect45.A.led B.devoted C.attached D.assigned46.A.dealt with B.set down C.looked into D.took over47.A.lookedB.sounded C.dressed D.acted48.A.eager B.scared C.annoyed D.ready49.A.quality B.benefit C.highlight D.value50.A.students B.clients C.coworkers D.employees51.A.worthwhile B.different C.right D.possible
1. (2015高二上·九江期中) 依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )
③而是一件共同享受和娱乐的事 ④新式家具高桌大椅出现
⑤吃饭不再是一件各顾各的事 ⑥唐人发现了隐藏在生活中的新乐趣
A .
B .
C .
D .