
百师联盟2023届高三开学摸底联考 英语- ,百师联盟答案网目前收集并整理关于百师联盟2023届高三开学摸底联考 英语- 得试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注我们百师联盟2023高三联考答案网


百师联盟2023届高三开学摸底联考 英语-

1、百师联盟2023届高三开学摸底联考 英语-



5. What's the author's attitude towards the future of emo j is?A. Uncertain B.Positive C. In different D. Pessimistic阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。realized that my own cherished knickknacks(小摆件) had become dust collectors. My treasures had____21 my home, the furniture was closing in 22 me, and I had pies of clothing, some pieces with________price tags still 23. My home had become a prison instead of a haven. It was time to 24.____ ____ ____At first, making the 25 proved easier than carrying it out Id come home from work, stand in the____ ____doorway, and 26 my paintings, favorite chair and dolls. I would 27 hold and admire a beautiful____ ____tea set that, until now, I had long stopped noticing on the shelf. My doll collection was the biggest 28____and heartbreak 29 these porcelain babies I had purposely chosen felt like a family betrayal. Even____though the dolls had certificates of authenticity, and some were 30 by the artists, it didn’t feel rightto sell them. Something special needed to be done.

1. (2015高二上·铜陵期中) 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。

    2015年一篇四川凉山彝族自治州四年级小学生写的作文《泪》,让无数网友为之揪心——“饭做好了,去叫妈妈,妈妈已经死了。”三百字的短文令许多网友泪崩,这篇短文因此被称为“世界上最悲伤的小学生作文”。一日间,小作者彝族女孩木苦依五木接到的网友捐款达数十万元。但是,随着背景信息的清晰,舆情转向。主要质疑女孩家的贫困现状和政府社会的扶贫方式。之前凉山州当地政府已经给木苦依五木家的5个孤儿每个月共发放3390元补助,都由他们的奶奶来代领。这里面,既然政府有扶贫行动,但为何还会出现如此悲伤的一幕? 凉山当地贫困民众缺乏的是救助还是自救?政府在观念和文化上扶贫是否缺位?输血式扶贫能否切断贫困的代际传递?


